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Articles 2020

1. “Some Applications of Mathematical Modeling of Risk Assessment, U.P.B Scientific Bulletin, Series A: Applied Mathematics and Physics, Series A, Vol. 82, Iss. 4, 2020, ISSN 1223-7027, 2020, authors: Elena Corina CIPU, Simona Mihaela BIBIC, Antonela TOMA.

2.Assessment of Structural Monitoring by Analyzing Some Modal Parameters: An Extended Inventory of Methods and Developments, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, ARCO, Springer, WOS: 000533173400001 , 2020, authors: Mihai REBENCIUC, Simona Mihaela BIBIC, Antonela TOMA.

3. “Death by SARS-CoV 2 – a Romanian COVID-19 multi-centre comorbidity study[https://rdcu.be/cbX2H,www.nature.com/scientificreports, https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-38098/v1], 2020, authors: Anca Pantea STOIAN (1,2,14), Mihaela Pricop‑Jeckstadt (3,4,14*), Adrian PANA (5,14, 5, 6,14, 6), Doina CATRINOIU (7), Andra Iulia SUCEVEANU (7), Cristian SERAFINCEANU (1,2), Silviu PITURU (1), Catalina POIANA (1), Bogdan TIMAR (8), Cornelia NITIPIR (1), Simona PARVU (1), Andreea ARSENE (1), Laura MAZILU (7), Antonela TOMA (4,9), Razvan HAINAROSIE (1,10), Antonio CERIELLO (11,14), Manfredi RIZZO (12,13,14) and Viorel JINGA (1).

4. “COVID-19 pandemic and chaos theory, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Volume 181, March 2021, Pages 138-149 [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matcom.2020.09.029,2020,], authors: Octavian POSTOVARU, Ștefan-Răzvan ANTON, Antonela TOMA.

5. “Innovative Security Solutions for Information Technology and Communications12th International Conference, SecITC 2019, Bucharest, Romania, November 14–15, 2019, Revised Selected Papers, Conference proceedingsSecITC Emil Simion, Rémi Géraud-Stewart, 2020 6. Entropy and Randomness: From Analogic to Quantum World, IEEE DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2988658, 2020, author: Emil SIMION.

7. “A Scalable Simulation of the BB84 Protocol Involving Eavesdropping, Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Security for Information Technology and Communication, Bucharest, 19-20 november 2020, Springer Verlag, D.-S. Maimut, A. G. Oprina, D. Sauveron, Ed., vol. 12596, authors: Mihai ZICU-MINA and Emil SIMION.

     The 36th IBIMA Conference , Granada, Spain, 4-5 November, 2020 [https://ibima.org/conference/36th-ibima-conference/]:

8. “Performance Analysis of US Stock Market during the 2020 Market Crash using Recurrent Neural Network, authored by Stefan-Razvan ANTON, Octavian POSTAVARU, Antonela TOMA. 

9. “Applications of Fractal Theory and Quantum Computing Regarding Cryptography Infrastructures, Information Security and GDPR Issues, authored by Valentina BORDEI, Andrei IVANOV, Antonie L. TRIFAN, Antonela TOMA. 

10. “The Role Of Wind Farms In Estimating Energy Demand In A Microgrid, authors: Semion PELESKOV, Ana-Maria-Ruxandra RESCANU, Mihai REBENCIUC.

11. “Covid19 Sentinels, authors: Neagu George Alexandru, Mitache Stefan Alexandru, Rebenciuc Mihai. 

12.PID Controller With Fractional Calculus, authors: Valentin-Dorian RADUCAN, Constantin-Cristian ROMAN, Mihai REBENCIUC.

13. “Fuzzy Sets Supervision Of A Pollution Level In The Context Of Smart City, authors: Aurelia-Mihaela VOICAN, Ioana-Simina STAN, Stefan STEFAN, Mihai REBENCIUC.

14. “Quantum Algorithms for Quantum Fourier Transform Used in Quantum Information Theory“, authors: V. Laurențiu DOSAN, E. Corina CIPU.

15. “A Mathematical Study Regarding Wind Turbines“, authors: A. ANDRONESCU, E. Corina CIPU.

Articles 2021

1. “Assessment of structural monitoring by analyzing some modal parameters: an extended inventory of methods and developments, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 28 (3), pp 1575-1590, Springer Netherlands, 2021, WOS:000533173400001, authors: Mihai REBENCIUC, Simona Mihaela BIBIC, Antonela TOMA.

2. “Numerical solution of two-dimensional fractional-order partial differential equations using hybrid functions, Partial Differential Equations in Applied Mathematics“, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.padiff.2021.100099Reference:PADIFF 100099T, authors: Octavian POSTAVARU, Antonela TOMA.

3. “Symmetries for Nonconservative Field Theories on Time Scale, Symmetry2021,13,MDPI, https://doi.org/10.3390/sym13040552, https://www.mdpi.com/journal/symmetry, authors: Octavian POSTAVARU, Antonela TOMA.

4. “A numerical approach based on fractional-order hybrid functions of block-pulse and Bernoulli polynomials for numerical solutions of fractional optimal control problems“, December 2021, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, DOI: 10.1016/j.matcom.2021.12.001, authors: Octavian POSTAVARU, Antonela TOMA.

5. “COVID-19 pandemic and chaos theory, March 2021, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 181:Pages 138-149, DOI: 10.1016/j.matcom.2020.09.029, authors: Octavian POSTAVARU, Stefan-Razvan ANTON, Antonela TOMA.

6. “A Fibonacci-like universe expansion on time-scale, November 2021 Chaos Solitons &Fractals, DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2021.111619, authors: Octavian POSTAVARU, Antonela TOMA.

7. “An optimized Chen first inequality for special slant submanifolds in Lorentz-Sasakian space forms, Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fis. Nat. Ser. A Mat. 115, 150 (2021), authors: O. POSTAVARU and I. MIHAI.

8. “A Note on Advanced Encryption Standard with Galois/Counter Mode Algorithm Improvements and S-Box Customization[https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/102], authors: Madalina CHIRITA, Alexandru-Mihai STROIE, Andrei-Daniel SAFTA and Emil SIMION.

9. “FPGA Offloading for Diffie-Hellman Key Exchangeusing Elliptic Curves[https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/065], authors: Dorin-Marian IONITA and Emil SIMION.

10.A Note on IBE Performance of a Practical Application[https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/061], authors: Ştefan MAFTEI, Marius SUPURAN and Emil SIMION.

11. “E-voting protocols in context of COVID19[https://eprint.iacr.org/2021/027], authors: Emilia SFIRNACIUC, Miruna-Elena VASILESCU and Emil SIMION.

12.”New directions in the ransomware phenomenon[https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/1610], authors: Mihai-Andrei COSTANDACHE, Marian-Stefan MIHALACHE and Emil SIMION.

13. “A Scalable Simulation of the BB84 Protocol Involving Eavesdropping[https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/1074], authors: Mihai-Zicu MINA and Emil SIMION.

14. “A Comparative Study of Cryptographic Key Distribution Protocols. IACR Cryptol.ePrint Arch. 2021: 31 (2021), authors: Alexandru-Stefan GHEORGHIES, Darius-Marian LAZAROI and Emil SIMION.

    ♦ The 37th IBIMA Conference , 30-31 May 2021, Cordoba, Spain [https://ibima.org/conference/37th-ibima-conference/]:

15. Mental Health Assessment During the COVID-19 Pandemic Using Sentiment Analysis Proceedings of the 37th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9998551-6-4, 30-31 May 2021, Cordoba, Spain, p8684-8688, authors: Stefan-Razvan ANTON, Octavian POSTAVARU and Antonela TOMA.

16. The COVID-19 Induced Digitalization of the Financial and Business Sectors” Proceedings of the 37th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-9998551-6-4, 30-31 May 2021, p 9226-9232, authors: Flavius DRAGOI and Antonela TOMA.

17. Applications of Fractional Calculus: Processing Signals, Proceedings of the 37th International Business Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-09998551-6-4, 30-31 May 2021, Cordoba, Spain, p 9938-9944, authors: Dorian Valentin RADUCAN and Mihai REBENCIUC.

18. About Activities with Optimal Energy Dissipation Carried Out by Robots”, Proceedings of the 37th International Business Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-09998551-6-4, 30-31 May 2021, Cordoba, Spain, p 9932-9937, authors: Eduard-Andrei TANASE, Gadiela-Daiana UTA and Mihai REBENCIUC.

19. Topologic Data Analysis in Sensor Networks, Proceedings of the 37th International Business Management Association (IBIMA), ISBN: 978-0-09998551-6-4, 30-31 May 2021, Cordoba, Spain, p 10248-10254, authors: Ana-Maria POPA, Costin Laurentiu TOMA and Mihai REBENCIUC

     ♦ The 38th IBIMA Conference , 23-24 November 2021 Seville, Spain [https://ibima.org/conference/38th-ibima-conference/]:

20.It’s All A Game: Strategies And Scenarios In Open Sharing Spectrum, The 38th IBIMA Conference , 23-24 November 2021 Seville, Spain. Online, authors: Cristina PETCU, Mircea MECHE-IONUT, Alex RĂDOI, Antonela TOMA and Mirela Mariana STĂNESCU.

21.Conceptual IoT Framework For Geriatric Care Using Medical Error Prevention Techniques“, Remote Monitoring and Computer-Assisted Clinical Decisions, authors: Ștefan-Rareș DUMITRU, Ioana-Ștefania DIACONEASA, Nora-Mohamed FAWZY RASHWAN HELAL, Radu-Vasile HANGANU, Antonela TOMA and Mirela Mariana STĂNESCU.

22. “ViTech: A Virtual Learning Environment for Modern Education, authors: Bianca Elena NICA, Irina Maria VĂRZARU, Antonela TOMA.

23. “The influence of fractional calculus in sequential models with low neuron count, authors: Ștefan-Răzvan ANTON, Sandra-Ioana JIDOVEANU, Antonela TOMA.

24. “Increasing the efficiency for transport problems in a pandemic context, Proceedings of the 38th International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA), pp. 2232-2238, 23-24 November 2021 Seville, Spain, ISBN: 978-0-9998551-7-1, ISSN:2767-9640, 38th IBIMA Conference Proceedings, authors: Vlăduț-Alexandru MIELU, Simona Mihaela BIBIC.

25. “Mathematical Modelling and Optimization of an Industrial Activity using a Queuing Model, ISSN 2767-9640, authors: Andrei-Robert CIULEI, Bianca-Maria CÂRNU, Elena-Corina CIPU.

26. “Applications of fractional calculus - Signal processing[http://tehnostiri.ro/index.php/2021/06/28/8504/], authors: Dorian Valentin RĂDUCAN, Mihai REBENCIUC.

27. “On energy-efficient activities performed by robots[http://tehnostiri.ro/index.php/2021/07/01/despre-activitati-cu-disipare-optima-de-energie-efectuate-de-roboti/], authors: Eduard Andrei TĂNASE, Gadiela Daiana UŢĂ, Mihai REBENCIUC.

28.Topological analysis of data in networks[http://tehnostiri.ro/index.php/2021/06/29/analiza-topologica-a-datelor-in-retele/], authors: Ana Maria POPA, Costin Laurenţiu TOMA, Mihai REBENCIUC.


1. LaTeX guide, Politehnica Press, 2021, ISBN 978-606-515-992-1, Simona Mihaela BIBIC, Elena Corina CIPU, Vlăduț-Alexandru MIELU, Bianca-Maria CÂRNU, Andrei-Robert CIULEI.
