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MATH4SDG Project

Proiectul MATH4SDG * launched by comunitatea „SSERIES”, în cadrul EELISA (European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance) (1 decembrie 2022 – 30 aprilie 2023) [https://community.eelisa.eu/activities/math4sdg/].

This activity aims to analyze the goals of sustainability and sustainable development with mathematical approaches, thus connecting fundamental sciences and real challenges.

O scurtă descriere poate fi găsită în Link-ul: https://community.eelisa.eu/activities/math4sdg/.

În acest context, CiTi a organizat selecția studenților interesați care vor participa la realizarea unor teme de proiect popuse de către partenerii MATH4SDG:
1. Reaction-diffusion models for populations affected by climate change.
2. Inclusion of climate risk in different financial instruments
3. Influence of climate change on population behavior and environment and chaos influence using fractional calculus as innovative mathematical tool for solving equations and systems of differential equations

Studenții participanți din cadrul CiTi sunt:
